National Veteran Small Business Coalition
“We help veterans become business and procurement ready,” says Col. Scott Jensen.

NVSBC provides training, mentoring, scholarships and advocacy on behalf of veterans who want to serve their country again as government contractors.
Explains NVSBC’s new Executive Director, Col. Scott Jensen, “NVSBC opens a door to our nation’s veterans that allows them to serve their country again as Federal small business contractors while they achieve the American dream. It’s a natural fit for us veterans who have served our country and have experience working for the government.”
- Post -WWII, nearly 50% of veterans owned their own business
- Today, that number has dropped to just 9.1%
- While female, disabled, and veterans of color express high levels of interest in small business ownership, they usually lack the capital and support network to turn those hopes into working reality

- Leading the national charge for veteran “ETA” – entrepreneurship through acquisition
- Expanding training of veteran entrepreneurs
- Pressing for progressive initiatives in Congress and at federal agencies to support veterans
- Driving inclusion and expansion of minority, women and service-disabled veteran entrepreneurs