2022 Mid-Year Update

Lower middle-market companies were major players in last year’s deal activity and that continued through the first half of 2022, as well-capitalized buyers continued to seek strong, innovative privately held companies.

The lower end of the middle-market is known to generate value for smart investors who are investing in long-term growth, and we saw that across the commercial and GovCon sectors in the first half of the year.


Mid-Year Update


Mid-Year Update

Lower middle-market companies were major players in last year’s deal activity and that continued through the first half of 2022, as well-capitalized buyers continued to seek strong, innovative privately held companies.

The lower end of the middle-market is known to generate value for smart investors who are investing in long-term growth, and we saw that across the commercial and GovCon sectors in the first half of the year.

While we know the second half of the year will bring some new challenges, we believe lower middle-market M&A activity will continue as firms look to achieve growth, both organically and through acquisition, and investors look to put nearly $1 trillion in capital to work.

We had an active first half of the year. Here are some of the key milestones and events that have shaped the past six months:

Securities transactions involving Sier Capital Partners and Precision Machining Services were conducted through StillPoint Capital, LLC, Tampa, FL.
We expanded our work in the commercial and GovCon areas of the market, working with buyers and sellers across a variety of sectors from cybersecurity to healthcare IT.


Our CEO Sharon Heaton was named one of the Top 25 Women in M&A by Opus Connect, an invitation-only lower middle-market and middle-market M&A-focused professional organization. Sharon has been an active member of Opus Connect, and we were thrilled she got some recognition for her outstanding achievements in M&A.

Our president Nancy Langer was named to the National Veteran Small Business Coalition Board of Directors. The sbLiftOff team has had the honor of working with NVSBC over the past few years to help make business ownership a reality for our nation's veterans, and we are excited to continue and expand this important work.

Thought Leadership

Our team was active on the speaker circuit over the past few months and published several articles in Forbes, the Harvard Business Review and other media outlets on key market trends.
sbLiftOff Speaks at NVSBC 2022 Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium

In May, our CEO Sharon Heaton and Senior Advisor Scott Semple spoke at the National Veteran Small Business Coalition’s annual conference in Orlando about veteran entrepreneurship through acquisition and what it takes to buy and sell a government contracting company. NVSBC provides nationally recognized training, networking, and advocacy for veteran small business entrepreneurs in the federal market.

sbLiftOff Participates in Alliance of Merger & Acquisition Advisors Logistics M&A Webinar

In April, our CEO Sharon Heaton moderated a discussion about trends in transportation and logistics M&A with the DC Chapter of the Alliance of M&A Advisors. AM&AA is the premiere international organization serving the educational and transactional support needs of more than 1,100 independent middle-market M&A professionals worldwide.

The article “To Make Deals in the Middle Market, Private Equity Needs Cultural Literacy” discusses one of the toughest challenges facing lower middle-market buyers and sellers today – cultural literacy.

The article “Due Diligence: How Company Sellers Should Navigate the Process” explains how business owners should prepare for this critical period of the M&A process.

The article “Human Capital Continues to Increase in Value,” written by our COO Cornelia Kiley and our M&A Director Jordan Gersh, discusses the demand for and value of human capital today and how a workforce of highly skilled technology workers has become as important as deep customer relationships, highly differentiated products and services, and strong financial statements.

About sbLiftOff

sbLiftOff is a lower middle-market M&A advisory firm that serves founder-led businesses and government contracting companies throughout the U.S.








Sharon B. Heaton
Founder & CEO

Cornelia L. Kiley